Things You May Not Think About After A Car Accident


Car accidents are incredibly scary. Your heart races, adrenaline kicks in, your mind is all over the place.  Even fender benders can leave you shaken and not thinking straight. What should you do if you are not seriously injured or need medical attention?

Here are some key things you need to do at an accident scene.

First things first: Try to remain calm.  Check to see if anyone involved in the accident needs medical attention. If so, call 911 immediately.  If everyone is okay, and the vehicle can be moved, pull your car over to a safe location, away from the flow of traffic.

Get a record of the accident: In New York City, if you aren’t injured, you are no longer required to call the police to the scene of the accident. However, there are issues that can arise after the accident that might require a police report. If there is any chance that anyone in the vehicle may have sustained an injury, either vehicle received significant damage, or how the accident happened is an issue, a police report can document the facts of the accident, preserve the accounts of the drivers, and help avoid questions of fact that may come up when you talk to your insurer.

Take pictures: After you’ve called the police and moved your vehicle to a safe location, take pictures. Make sure you document everything: the scene, the condition of the vehicles involved (be sure to get specific photos of any damage), and anything that may have caused the accident, such as debris in the road.

Personal information: It is important to exchange insurance information after an accident. Instead of just writing down the information on a piece of scrap paper, use your phone to take pictures of the other driver’s license, insurance card, and license plate.  This information will be necessary to file an insurance claim.

Witnesses: If anyone saw the accident, make sure you get their name, phone number, and e-mail address. Eyewitness accounts are extremely important, especially where the involved parties cannot agree on how the accident happened or if the accident involved a temporary condition, such as a faulty traffic light.

The next day: Be mindful of any aches and pains you feel in the days following the accident. Frequently, injuries from auto accidents are not noticed until hours, or even days, afterward. If you experience any pain, in order to be safe, you should contact a medical professional to determine the extent of the injury.


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